From Friday 08 October 2021 - 07:00pm
To Sunday 10 October 2021 - 06:00pm
Hits : 184
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The women’s conference 2021, “The Powerful Assignment” has been prayerfully designed to support the conference attendees to better understand that we are all born with a special assignment that has been engraved in our spiritual DNA. The assignment may have different components, such as being a wife, mother, leader, lawyer, preacher, singer, doorkeeper, etc. If you are saying you don’t know what your assignment is or do I have an assignment, then you should without a doubt attend to seek out your answer by attending this powerful women's conference. I am a firm believer that when you seek Him you will find Him and receive your answer!
There will be "Wordshops" on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. to address marriage, singleness, finances, and healing. Allow yourself to exhale!
Fulfilling His Kingdom Assignment
Apostle Claudine Lee